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Florida's Premier Siberian Husky Rescue Organization
Established 1999 - Dogs Saved To Date: 1520
our entire organization, both two and four footed alike. We would
like to thank you for visiting our site and hope you will bookmark
us and visit again as our site is always changing!

Can you look into these eyes and not want to

Huskies require a long-term commitment to obedience, activity,
exercise and entertainment. Their unique character, intelligence and
high energy level can frustrate you, will undoubtedly entertain you,
and can bring you great joy (when they're happy!) or great grief (when
they're not!). If this type of relationship does not appeal to you,
then consider another breed. Siberian Huskies are always a work in progress!
Many people take it as a challenge when we say "Siberian Huskies are
not for everyone". It's not that we are saying that you are not "good"
enough to care for one. Instead, we are saying that the dog may not
be what you are really looking for to fit in with your family. Take
your time and browse through our web site. A "Husky knowledgeable" person
will make the best choice (to adopt or buy a Siberian Husky or look
at a different breed) based upon his/her own circumstances. For more
information on the Siberian Husky please visit our Siberian Husky education
rescue is now offering AVID micro-chipping clinics.
Please e-mail us at found@siberrescue.com
for more information.
SHRF dogs adopted BEFORE we started chipping can get chipped for FREE.
Just contact us at found@siberrescue.com
and let us know what event we are holding
that you can attend and we will microchip your SHRF dog for FREE!!!
You must
bring your adoption contract as proof you have a SHRF dog.
you like to be a Foster Home
or a Volunteer?
"Fostering" a Siberian Husky until it is permanently adopted would
be a service more valuable to us than a donation. There is always
a shortage of foster homes. In fact, most of the time we have a waiting
list of 3 to 4 months before we can take in any new dogs, as we are
unable to add any more into our system. Do you think you could foster
one of these wonderful fur babies until they are placed into adoption?
If not, due to where you live or your work/family commitments, then
perhaps volunteer work is for you. As a volunteer you can help us
find a new home by doing interviews and home inspections. You may
also be able to help us in transporting, ID'ing a dog, veterinary
work, recruiting a veterinary clinic/hospital that may be willing
to help out with discounted services, plus many other things that
may help us in our efforts. If interested in Fostering or being a
Volunteer please fill out an application by clicking the links on
the left at the top of this page.


are in desperate need of Foster homes to help save more Siberians
from neglect, abuse, abandonment and illness. We can not save
these precious fur balls without your help. If you can open your
heart and home to just one fur ball you can make a difference!
By becoming a Foster you are not only saving a life, you are helping
give a Siberian a chance at a new home...a new life! Can you look
into this fur baby's eyes and not want to help? Click HERE
to find out more!
you find any problems with links or images please notify the webmaster